Friday 19 March 2010

Back to work again!!

A tree surgeon who was incapacitated by his shoulder pain has been able to return to work again after having his shoulder treated by Dr Teresa White, Chiropractor. Here is his story:
"I have been working for some years cutting down trees and branches and it was in December that I noticed my arm was very painful from the shoulder downward and had a job to lift my arm up. I didn't want to take drugs as prescribed by my doctor and a friend told me of Teresa. I had given up my job by now and I was in agony at night and unable to sleep. Teresa examined me and took four X-Rays and pointed out that my spine was bent and I had arthritis. After six weeks I was back at work with my arm a lot stronger than I thought could be possible."


Unknown said...

Hi! Thanks for posting a lot in your blog. I am learning a lot from the articles you write. Also, I like how organized your article is.

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hl67 said...

It's great to see that in this story the patient got an accurate diagnosis to begin with. In my experience (both good and bad), accurate diagnosis by a good health professional is crucial to improving the effectiveness of treatment and subsequent recovery.

My knee pain was misdiagnosed several times until I went to a physio in Newton, Sydney and got an accurate diagnosis which expedited my full recovery.

Armand211 said...

"Hi! Thanks for posting a lot in your blog. I am learning a lot from the articles you write. Also, I like how organized your article is.